Friday, February 23, 2007

Top 10 excuses for not training

There's a challenge over at Cook Ding's to dedicate just over a month to train/learn something you've been wanting to. The challenge read as follows:
... from Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) until Easter (April 8), train every day, without fail, no excuses. It's not as easy as it sounds. Some days, you might only be able to get a few minutes of training in; but the point is to do it everyday, no matter what.
I've been wanting to do this regardless of the challenge, but somehow there are always excuses. So i intend to list out my top excuses and hopefully, we can recognise these as excuses and don't use them!

My top 10 excuses (in no particular order) for not training tai ji everyday are:

  1. not enough sleep

  2. too tired

  3. too hungry

  4. need to go out later

  5. need to do a lot of washing

  6. no time/place to shower after training

  7. a lot in the mind

  8. need to spend time with family/friends

  9. work

  10. errands to run

I have purposely left out "no time" because I can't justify that as an excuse any longer. It hit me one day that there is always time, just have to decide how to spend it.

So what are your excuses? Please share and let us recognise them to remind ourselves that they are just excuses. :)

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